Every year before school starts after winter break I have to do some cleaning. After break comes show choir season and Tarzan, plus hopefully getting my drivers liscense! But well see! Anyways so I have to have some sort of organization in my life before it all goes crazy! I ended up donating a bunch of clothes to Goodwill, and putting three tubs of random stuff into the attic (which in our house is just a closet because the people who built it were just like "Attics aren't neccesary." They are p.s.) I would say it was pretty successful. I made room for all of the beautiful clothes and goodies from Santa and also gained a bit of control in my life before it gets flipped upside down. Needless to say this is probably the cleanest my room will be until April. I can't wait!



"I have sporadic OCD moments around the house. But then I get lazy and I'm cured. It's a very inconsistent personality trait." -Chris Hemsworth

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    January 2014
    December 2013



    Morgan Elizabeth Beavers
    I'm just a suburban girl who dreams of the big city.

