Books. I know you were all expecting a story about my preschool sweetheart, but to be honest, I don't think I have ever loved a guy yet.  And that's okay! I have plenty of time.  
But back to the topic.  Ever since I was little I remember my mom reading to me and I loved being transported to fantastical cities where princesses always found a prince.  I've been a reader for as long as I can remember. In fact, my family still makes fun of me for it.  When I was about seven or eight I would read Harry Potter on the boat at the lake and refuse when I was asked to play in the water, which in turn provoked many snide comments about my nerdiness from my cousins.  However, it didn't bother me.  It never has.  Reading to me is an escape from the stress of daily life and whenever I can get my hands on a book, I read it. 
I love all sorts of books.  Second grade was the year of historical fiction.  This included American Girl Doll books and books about the medieval times of witch hunts and midwives.  In third grade I went through a Nancy Drew mystery phase and I still own many of the books.  In fifth and sixth grade I loved fantasy. Dragons and witches...and vampires.  I will admit I did like Twilight at one point. ( But we don't talk about it --- it was probably the most questionable choice of my childhood) Going into seventh grade I loved romance.  Every Nicholas Sparks book and Sarah Dessen novel cluttered my shelves.  In ninth grade, I really started to get involved in the classics.  I love Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, and even the Iliad.  This year I've truly been all over the place with my choice of books, but I have really been enjoying my Shakespeare.  His way with words that distract other people enthrall me in ways that modern novels cannot. 
Catherine and I always chat about the books we've read and we recommend books to each other.  It's awesome to have such an close friend who you can speak frankly with about books you've both read.
Books are honestly a timeless pastime that will never go out of fashion.
“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ― William Styron

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    Morgan Elizabeth Beavers
    I'm just a suburban girl who dreams of the big city.

